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    1. Sleep__Away

      Horizon Suggestions/Updates

      I know Havoc Horizon have just experienced a reset and many troubled problems during the start of S2. Many promises were kept and some, forgotten. Due to the glitches in TMD and the progress of restoring Hell Night have been the priority to Owners/Coders, some updates have been delayed. On...
    2. Sleep__Away

      Economically Unstable

      Havoc Horizon server was reset at 3:00 PM EST yesterday on 7/9/17, introducing multiple updates and bugs fixed. However, a new island was added in the collection, "Redstone Lair". Available for $100,000 Horizon currency. In about ten or so hours many players purchased the Redstone Lair and...
    3. Sleep__Away

      List of Every (Maybe less) Glitches/Bugs

      Hello Havoc-ers, as you might know, the recent map update bought pros and cons into the server. By the time this thread is made, some of the glitches/bugs might have been removed, so sorry if you are irritated by the list. Some of the bugs are critical and some are minors (which we can live...
    4. Sleep__Away

      When Using Resource Pack Is Actually Fun. :D

      Enjoy :D
    5. Sleep__Away

      Vote 1 Problem

      At listed above, there seem to be a problem to vote for me as well as other users. The site indicates that I voted for a certain time period ago, but every times I check back or reload the website, the cool-down timer is different. By "different" I mean it goes up instead of down. I am not able...
    6. Sleep__Away

      It's Finally Here!

      As many of you know, some players complained that voting for rewards isn't just enough. So Owners decided to add ad watching option. :D Ads Watching: _ It's a new currency, each ad watched will be count as one. Save them up to win crates and skulls.
    7. Sleep__Away

      Stop This Madness

      As you all might know, the shop or rather trading zone of Havoc Horizon with the command /ah is an absolute mess. Many players spam the auction house with rip off and rather expensive items that could definitely trick or scam someone off of their balance. Any suggestion regarding Horizon /ah can...
    8. Sleep__Away

      Car Update and Related Issues/Concerns

      Recently, a new update was installed upon the Mining Dead Servers. Resulting in players finding vehicles inside bags. If vehicles were to spawn inside bags, does this mean they wouldn't spawn outside anymore? And what exactly does this update holds for the value of car parts? Suggestion for...
    9. Sleep__Away

      TMD Black Market

      Welcome ladies and gentlemen into the TMD black market. Due to the fact that all my storage server is now being overfilled with gears. I am opening a special shop for gears to be sold at low prices. If anyone sees me in any TMD server, just message me for a deal. These are the gears I am...
    10. Sleep__Away

      Annie's Wager

    11. Sleep__Away

      Surprises in TMD-1

      TMD-1 Helper Ceremony
    12. Sleep__Away

      A very nice update for Hell Night

      I have just noticed the new changes in HN-2 (/server hn-2) and I must say developers and builders did a fantastic job combining the classic TMD pvp with the new map. However, I saw the sign "Map: Virginia" on the Hell Night scoreboard, does that mean there are multiple map for a various...
    13. Sleep__Away

      Something about _Nickk

      The title said it all. :rolleyes:
    14. Sleep__Away

      Car pvp?

      Recently I have encountered a lot of players who uses car pvp technique in Hell Night. This is even worst than fighting Jahango on bike. Car provides protections to these player, letting them come close to me and repeatedly spamming melee weapon. I tried to destroy the car but the bleeds always...
    15. Sleep__Away

      Server Reset?

      _ Today at 8:40 PM (Western Coast time) I was told by [Builder] gabrielmaennl5 that a new map will come out. As a result of this, Berx will be gone and along with players gears. Basically a server reset, everything will be anew except for real life purchased and possibly infinite money.
    16. Sleep__Away

      Ally Friendly Fire

      So the new team update are pretty neat right? But what about your ally shooting you and you can't shoot back? I have noticed how I get jumped by team ally and they killed me, I tried shooting back but the server responded with, " You cannot attack allied teams." Can anyone acknowledge this...
    17. Sleep__Away

      "Rumors" about server reseting completly.

      8/23/16 Tmd-1 and Tmd-2 I have heard numerous reports in chat, telling /stats and gear will soon be reset. I'd asked everywhere I could and a balanced side of arguments telling me multiple different responses. If any staff could please identify if this "rumor" is true or false, please...
    18. Sleep__Away

      1.10 version alway crashed when trying to rendering server map

      I have been using 1.10 version ever since the server was updated to support this version. However lately I have been experiencing some crash every time I go into a new chunk in tmd and hn. The crash report said that I should point this problem out into the server owner. Any help or solution...